Salisbury MD

About Sbywx

weather book

I’ve been a weather nerd all of my life, and all of my life has been spent in Salisbury, Maryland.  That doesn’t make me an expert but it does give me some insight into historical weather patterns on the Delmarva Peninsula.

I’m not sure why weather has become such a passionate following for me.  Perhaps it goes back to my youth when my friends and I would look forward to a snow day or two away from school.  I always enjoyed learning so I suppose it was just inherent in my nature to learn about the weather and make my own predictions.  As it turns out, I got pretty good at!  My friends and family started to depend on me for my “prediction” and to this day that still happens.

A book that I had in my youth was my most trusted source of weather information.  Pictured above, it was part of a series of books written for young people by the late Herbert S. Zim, a prolific writer of books, that explained all sorts of natural phenomena and topics relating to science.

I can remember beginning to record daily high and low temperatures as a young boy, safeguarding the data for future use.  When reaching my middle school years I learned the value of having a barometer and observing wind direction.  I began to study weather maps, learning the properties of fronts and high and low pressure weather systems.  I just got excited by all of the learning.

Eventually, I purchased my first weather station and continued to collect weather data.  With the advent of the internet, of course, it became easy to share that data with others.  I have been uploading data continuously to the Weather Underground since January 25, 2004.  The station ID is KMDSALIS2 and it is located a bit over 3 miles WNW of downtown Salisbury.  If you locate the station at the listing will look like this.

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 7.47.58 AM

I became the first personal weather station owner in the Salisbury are to upload data for official use.  That is why I was assigned the KMDSALIS2 designation.  That made me second to KSBY, the official station at the Salisbury-Wicomico Regional Airport.  There are currently about a dozen or so personal weather stations in Wicomico County, and there are countless others on Delmarva.  You can easily locate the personal weather station that is closest to your home.

Screenshot 2019-12-14 at 7.53.48 AM

As time goes by my plan is to convert this blog to a full time “go to” weather destination for people in the Salisbury area.  It will be fun to talk to local folks about the weather; especially when I get it right, but even when I’m wrong!

I am approaching the 4 year anniversary of launching this blog and have made close to 1500 posts thus far.  Look out Cal Ripken!  I’ve yet to miss a day!